Say No to New Year New Me

Celeste Marlowe


Every new year lots of people do the new year new me ritual. Instead of new year new me how about setting goals for the new year. I gave up on doing the new year new me things because I never actually did anything towards what I wanted to do. This year I decided to set goals and set my mind to doing them. Everyone always does the same things like losing weight, exercising more, better job, etc. I think most people at some point and time throughout the year would want to do things like that. In my opinion something of more value lets say like better job opportunity, going to college after putting it off and actually gettin a degree, or maybe a dream you have that you want to come true and you finally set out to do it. Those are the New Years resolutions we should be setting. Not the same old ones. Ones that have purpose and meaning. That’s what I plan on doing this year. One of them i have already started on which moving up in position at work. I’ve already talked to the other managers about and I have filled out the application for it so now it’s taking the next. After this one is off and running I will start on my next goal. I have several I want to accomplish but I want to do one at a time. So let the journey begin. Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.



Celeste Marlowe

I am a proud mom of three wonderful children. I served twelve years in the military which includes a tour to Iraq. I love to read and listen to music.